Saturday, January 5, 2008

"I Am Legend " gains legendary status

I Am Legend" raked in $76.5 million this weekend. That's the biggest December opening ever and a personal best for Will Smith, one of Hollywood's most bankable talents.
I took the kids to see it on Saturday at Tinseltown, and I can't get the images of a post-apocalyptic New York City out of my mind.
Brandon and other critics liked the film but thought it fell apart at the end, turning into a mindless zombie flick.
I don't think most movie-goers will see it that way. The last third of the film is thrilling, and its conclusion feels right. Emotionally, I found the film entirely satisfying.
Intellectually, the film left open several holes that would be easily filled.
HOW DOES WILL SMITH'S CHARACTER HAVE WATER AND ELECTRICITY?One 30-second scene about him tending a generator and water pump would solve the problem.
HOW DID THE DARK SEEKERS RIG A BOOBY TRAP?This one is more problematic. The little we know about these creatures suggests they're mindless, ferocious predators who couldn't slow down long enough to tie their own shoes, let alone copy Smith's chracter in setting up an elaborate trap.
This problem might be solved by creating some kind of Dark-Seeker-Human hybrid, who's enough of a monster to side with the Dark Seekers but smart enough to retain speech and higher functions.
HOW DO DARK SEEKERS SURVIVE?This one isn't quite as essential, but I'd like to see evidence that the Dark Seekers are a viable species. We know they've lived for three years, so somehow they're getting food and water. I want to know how. It wouldn't take more than a minute to show us that. Also, is it possible that these creatures mate and will perpetuate their species?
I thought it was smart in the film "28 Days" when the soldier chained a zombie in the back yard, and through observation, realized that this was a creature without basic survival skills, and it wouldn't last long.
The same kind of scrutiny should have shaped the Dark Seekers into definable animals.


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